Achieve an excellent financial outcome
The Connect Sales process
The Connect sales process can be customised and personalised based on your needs. We have a great deal of experience, expertise, negotiation skills, market knowledge and industry connections. All this enables us to bring only qualified buyers to the table.
We can assist you in preparing your business for sale, including managing the sales process. This ensures that you achieve an excellent financial outcome, as well as maintaining happy clients and staff and the ability to continue to run your business during the process.
Connect are always able to attract well qualified buyers for each business we bring to market – those that are culturally aligned, able to finance the transaction, and committed to succeed.
When you choose the buyer best suited to you, we work in a collaborative way with them to ensure they are given the best chance to acquire your business. We also negotiate terms and conditions to meet your needs, while ensuring everyone feels fairly treated.
Seller Tips
Connect Financial Service Brokers can assist you at each stage of the selling process – deciding to come to market, finding and recommending potential buyers, and negotiating the deal to achieve the best results for you and your business.

Deciding to come to market
Initially we will discuss market values, the sales journey, information we require from you and your criteria for your ideal potential acquirer.
Then, we will gather comprehensive and detailed information about your business, its performance, and your clients. This information enables us to prepare an Executive Summary, which is the key document we present to potential buyers to assist them to evaluate and determine their level of interest in your business.
We work with you to develop an overall marketing strategy to source potential buyers, and to firm up issues around pricing and what is and isn’t negotiable.
Finding and recommending potential buyers
We use a variety of methods to find potential buyers that match your ideal criteria. We search our database of qualified buyers and contact other networks as appropriate.
Then, we will evaluate potential buyers to confirm cultural fit, ability to pay as well as terms and conditions. Next, we will review potential buyers with your criteria and business strategy in mind, and then make our recommendations to you.

Negotiations begin
Once we have qualified and short-listed potential buyers, we arrange for the parties to meet. The aim of this initial meeting is to provide you with an opportunity to assess cultural alignment, suitability, and philosophy for providing advice to clients.
When you have selected your preferred buyer, we enter the negotiation stage. This stage can take several weeks to complete. The outcome is a term sheet that lists all the key points, which has been agreed and executed by both parties and forms the basis for the business sale agreement.
Final negotiations
This requires the identification and resolution of all final items including premises, staff, finance, tax, and adjustment mechanisms.
We then seek to finalise negotiations. This includes, but is not limited to, contracts, warranties, terms and conditions, handover periods, ongoing involvement of the vendor, and client transition communication strategies. The negotiations can take several weeks.
Close liaison and effective communication with the lawyers of each party are critical to ensure that deadlines are met, and goodwill is maintained between all the parties.

It's the perfect time to sell your business!
The Connect sales process is guaranteed to align our financial interests. If there is no offer acceptable or we can’t find the right cultural fit for you, then there is no success fee to pay.
For all your selling, merging and acquisition queries, please contact Paul Tynan on: 0439 837 304 or email: